Friday, July 20, 2012

More Kids Come To Visit

Another busy evening for the puppies, but we wore them down again.  Heather brought Cassia & Jozie over to play with the pups.  What fun!  Kids this age are so good about handing pups.  More kids scheduled for next week - we're doing our best to insure that these pups are optimally socialized to people of all ages.  Next week we'll pack them up and drive them out to visit my mother.  A car ride plus a chance to meet more seniors.

If the weather was more accommodating, the pups would already have gone for a car ride, but their first trip will be to Rochester on Saturday when they get BAER tested.  I'll pack up an ex-pen and a tarp so the pups can wait their turn for testing, with Ron keeping an eye on things.  Hopefully they won't yell too much in the car - these first trips can be noisy, and a couple of the pups are quick to vocally express their displeasure with things.  On Tuesday they take another trip, this time to see Dr. Valenti for their "well puppy" check ups.

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