Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well hopefully the new modem that is on its way from Qwest will solve my balky computer downloads and impossible uploads.  Because the average lifespan of a modern is 3 years, and mine gave me 5 years of service I can hardly complain.  Don't know why I assumed it would last forever.  I find my laptop/Netbook less than user friendly and have trouble seeing the screen and using the flat keyboard, so my blogs may be shorter for awhile.

Mariah did not leave for Arizona on Tuesday, but her leg is doing well and she's not fussing with the stitches.  She wears an e-collar when no one is around, but is learning to mange that.  Kay is working on the transportation issue, and we still have hopes of getting this worked out.  If not, she will be available a lot closer to home!  Such a good girl she is, but still small at 19 3/4 and 36 lbs.  The perfect size for a lapdog!

Reebok is doing well and is very easy to entertain.  There's lots of coming and going in the basement as my fish, the laundry, freezers and such are down there.  She's enjoying the 4 walks a day and we have explored all the alleys in the neighborhood.  No loose dogs which makes it a lot easier to walk bitches in season.  We ran a progesterone test on Monday and it came back at 6.03, which meant she was probably ovulating at the time.  Eggs take 2 - 3 days to ripen before they can be fertilized, so we are exactly where we should be.  Tried a breeding last night and all went well.  It would have been a day or two early, but the sperm lives with 4-5 days, so if we did not get another breeding we would probably be just fine.  We'll do two more breedings to maximize the chances of fertilizing as many eggs as possible - having the maximum number of sperm available when the eggs are ready to be fertilized..  Pups are normally born about 63 days after ovulation or 61 days after conception.  I have traditionally let the dogs pick the days, but it is nice to have science to fall back on too.  I could take Reebok in for another prpgesterone test, to see if the levels are continuing to rise (it will tell us that she did in fact ovulate) but with a young healthy bitch we will assume that everything went as it should,  Thinking puppies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why is mariah considered small? doesnt the standard say between 19 and 23 inches? if she is already almost 20 inches as a puppy, isnt that normal? just wondering!